Friday, August 26, 2016

What Time Is It When An Elephant Sits on Your Fence? Time to Start a New School Year (Ekev 5776)

On the first day of classes at JCHS I revealed to students why there is a really big jar of Laffy Taffy in my office. Students stop by all through the day to grab some candy, which gives me a chance to ask about their day or their lives. And to share a Laffy Taffy riddle so that we laugh together.

I also told them about how my parents used riddles and humor to help the much-younger-me respond to school stress. If my parents could get me laughing, the stress would drop. I remember one time moving to a new elementary school - anxious about making friends, meeting new teachers, living in a new neighborhood - my parents gave me 101 Elephant Jokes so that I might chuckle away the stress. 

Later I learned it was written by a ninth grader! Like the riddles on Laffy Taffy wrappers, that book and other elephant jokes still make me laugh, with classics like:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Toward Relationships That Honor, Encourage, and Strengthen (Ve'et-chanan 5776)

The first day of school, even for high schoolers, is a big deal. New social, academic, and emotional challenges await. There are exciting new chances to explore one’s unfolding self. The role of friends is crucial. So, too, is the role played by parents and teachers. For instance, research confirms that parental encouragement in high school and through the many transitions that occur in high school positively impact academic performance.